If you’ve reached this page, it’s because you want to leave a review for one of my books and you’re not sure how to do that.
YAY! Go you! Thank you so much!
Amazon doesn’t allow us to reply to reviews, but PLEASE know I read them all and send happy gratitude to every single one of you who leaves them.
Reviews are largely responsible for people finding and choosing to try my books, so I’m immensely grateful for my readers’ kindness.
So how do you do it?

Grab your refreshing beverage of choice and get comfy. This won’t take long. Because honestly it is easy.
It’s like so many other things, once you’ve done it once or twice, you’ll wonder why you ever thought it was complicated.
But the first time doing anything is always a little scary so …
Here’s your step-by-step guide
- Step 1: Find the book you want to leave a review for on Amazon. Do this by searching for the title of the book in the search box at the top of any Amazon page.
If you purchased it, you can also find the book in your order history. There’s a search box at the top of your order history too. Try “Gretna Green” to find them.
And, if you’re on a desktop computer, the last option on the right side next to the book in your order history is “Write a product review” - But let’s say you can’t find your order history (top right of the screen) or you read it through the Kindle Unlimited lending library … just search for the book and then …
- Step 2: Scroll down the page until you reach the top of the actual Reviews section. (See the image below)
- Step 3: Click on the ‘Write a customer review’ box that is on the left side under the star ratings graph. As shown by the Red arrow below.
Mobile users: If you are using a mobile device, you might have to keep scrolling past the reviews, (further than seems reasonable!) and underneath them you’ll find a button titled ‘Write a review’, the rest of the steps are the same.

- Step 4: You will then be taken to the Create Review page to write your review. (Image below).

- Step 5: Choose a star rating for the book by clicking on a star. Your chosen rating will be coloured in Yellow.
They go from left to right, from one to five stars, with five being the best.
If any of you are rolling your eyes, check out my one-star reviews, especially the ones which say, “This was an awesome read!”
(Seriously, no worries, I’m only trying to explain it clearly) ๐
This image with five yellow stars is what a 5 star rating will look like if you click star five. That’s the right-most star.

- Conversely …

This image is what a 1 star rating will look like if you click star one, the left-most star.
- Don’t worry if you click the wrong one, just click again on the star you want to change to.
- Step 6: Add your headline.
- This is where you put the title of your review. It can be anything you like, but Amazon likes it to be a short, one-line summary of how you feel about the book. Amazon asks “What’s most important to know?” in the box as a prompt. Once you start typing, that will disappear (Check the image above).
- Step 7: You can click on the Plus (+) sign to add a photo or video to the review. This is optional.
- Some authors get incredible video reviews from readers raving about their books. I don’t think I’ve ever had one, but it is an option if any of you are happy about doing videos.
- Some people like to add photos of the physical copy of the book or the title page on their kindle. You will need the photo to be on your computer. Or if you’re using your phone or tablet, it will let you select it from your photos.
- If you add a photo, your review will show at the top with in the ‘Reviews with images’ section. Which is always just lovely – I love seeing my books “Out in the Wild.” ๐
You can see a couple of them in the image above and an example of a review with an image attached in the image below:

- Step 8: The last section, ‘Add a written review’, is the review itself. This can be as long* or short** as you’d like.
What did you like about the book? How did it make you feel while reading it? What other books are similar to it?
Whatever you’d like to write to explain why you think they would, or wouldn’t enjoy it. Why you’d recommend it (or not!) to other people.
It’s wonderful if you want to mention your favourite characters and hint at scenes you particularly enjoyed, but please avoid giving spoilers as most of the time the reviews are being read by people who haven’t read the book yet!
*You can write up to 5000 characters, which is around 700-1200 words or 35-85 sentences.
** I think the minimum is 20 words.
BUT I think it’s really important for you to know I’m pathetically grateful for even a one-sentence review – they ALL matter and they all count. - Step 9: Click the Yellow Submit button at the bottom of the Create Review page and you are done! It might take a little while to be posted live on Amazon, but Amazon will email you to let you know when it’s been processed.
- Step 10: Know that you have my eternal gratitude and thanks for helping me carry on having fun with this crazy authoring thing I started. ๐
Thank you – Hugs – Fireworks!

Here are your fireworks and my heartfelt thanks.
Thanks to your Dolina, the dancing girls, cheerleaders and coffee service will call at your house shortly.
You do have a Dolina … right?
What to include in your review
Whatever you’d like to. Just to give you an idea of what other people have written, here’s a few of the reviews for Midlife in Gretna Green that have made me incredibly proud of my little retirement project!
Great start to this series
The world building for this book was brilliant. I really enjoyed the descriptions of the surroundings and the characters. I am new to this author and can’t wait to read the other books in the series. This is an easy read book, so far great world building, great intro to the characters and you cheering on the main female character as she moves into being her own person. I did spend a fair few evening reading past my bedtime with this one!
Funny, relatable, and Magical
I loved this book and the characters. An easy read that flowed and kept me from putting my kindle down (aka I sat looking at the washing pile that built during this book!)
The characters build slowly and start to show a depth that makes you want to know more about their stories too.
The story is an interesting mix of a real setting, folklore and magic and FINALLY a protagonist that is not written through the male gaze, has just enough flaws to be relatable and isn’t “perky”, twenty and saving the world(s) in a week. I will park that rant for now.
There are some laugh out loud moments in this book, Dola’s humour and mugs should be merch, trust me, and I am buying! HRH is a star in herself and I would feed her seafood pizza everyday lol.
If you want a book to curl up with, with a coffee (IYKYK) and a smile this is for you.
I am looking forward to finding out what Nikki does next.
Super read
Iโve just read the first book in this series in a day. Enjoyed every word of it. Storyline, characters, dialogue, pace, humour, all of it; so very good.
Book 2 downloaded to my kindle, and looking forward to reading the whole series.