Reading Time: 7 minutesIf you’ve reached this page, it’s because you want to leave a review for one of my books and you’re not sure how to do that. YAY! Go you! Thank you so much! Amazon doesn’t allow us to reply to reviews, but PLEASE know I read them all and send happy gratitude to every single […]
Behind the Books – Pant y Wern
Reading Time: 5 minutesThe part of my newsletter that many readers enjoy most is the Behind the Books section. So I’ve pulled out those items into separate blog posts. This one focuses on the Red Celts’ capital city of Pant y Wern as featured in Seeing Red in Gretna Green and many other books in the series. What […]
Looking for Gretna Green updates?
Reading Time: 2 minutesIf you’re looking for an update from me or one about the next book in the Gretna Green Midlife Recorder series, you can find them in several places. It all depends on your preference:I update the page HERE twice a month. Every month I’m working, once a month when I’m not. It will tell you […]
Snippet From Code Yellow For My VR Gang
Reading Time: 14 minutesSo a reader from Arizona, Suze J-S asked for more chapters of Code Yellow. That couldn’t happen. But I had this scene, some of which is now surplus to requirements. I thought it might help feed the VR (Voracious Reader) Gang. If you like it, thank Suze. If you don’t blame me. If you haven’t […]
Gargantuan book, brain ache cuisine and happiness
Reading Time: 4 minutesA quick catch up that needs a few more words than my usual brief notes on the SOTA page. The first reports from my FABs (beta readers) are coming back on Code Yellow in Gretna Green. One aspect universally agreed upon at this stage is that, apart from some specific scenes that could use a […]
Seeing Red in Gretna Green Buddy Read
Reading Time: 4 minutesAfter a brief discussion on my Facebook author page, we’ve decided to do a buddy read of Seeing Red in Gretna Green in a private Facebook group. You can join it here. I’ve enjoyed buddy reads on Goodreads for years. You know where we all read the same book in the same month (or the same […]