Reading Time: < 1 minute If you’re looking for an update from me or one about the next book in the Gretna Green Midlife Recorder series, you can find them in several places. It all depends on your preference:I update the page HERE twice a month. Every month. It will tell you everything I know about my current deadlines, works […]
Easy Amazon reviews step by step
Reading Time: 6 minutes If you’ve reached this page, it’s because you want to leave a review for one of my books and you’re not sure how to do that.YAY! Go you! Thank you so much! Amazon doesn’t allow us to reply to reviews, but PLEASE know I read them all and send happy gratitude to every single one […]
Behind the Books – Pant y Wern
Reading Time: 5 minutes The part of my newsletter that many readers enjoy most is the Behind the Books section. So I’ve pulled out those items into separate blog posts. This one focuses on the Red Celts’ capital city of Pant y Wern as featured in Seeing Red in Gretna Green and many other books in the series. What […]
Why don’t I sell direct?
Reading Time: 13 minutes This post was inspired by several readers who’ve said things like, “Do you plan to open a web store where we can buy your books? I want all your books. I’d rather pay you the full amount. I like my authors to make money. Let me know how I can do that, please.” TL;DR No, […]
Poor Puppy, Stressed Mum
Reading Time: 4 minutes So if any of you have been wondering where previously social, always on Facebook and happy to chat, Linzi disappeared to? Well, several perfect storms of chaos landed in my world. Storm One: Christmas – Well, we all know about that. Mine was cancelled this year. Storm Two: My deadline with my editor for Code […]
Snippet From Code Yellow For My VR Gang
Reading Time: 14 minutes So a reader from Arizona, Suze J-S asked for more chapters of Code Yellow. That couldn’t happen. But I had this scene, some of which is now surplus to requirements. I thought it might help feed the VR (Voracious Reader) Gang. If you like it, thank Suze. If you don’t blame me. If you haven’t […]